Jo Schwartz photography Cologne
chinese artist HUANG Yong Ping awarded Wolfgang-Hahn-Preis 2016 >
refugees in german province 2015 - 2016 >
refugees in german Container City >
pictures last days of coal mining >
Douglas Tompkins Parque Pumalin in the wet southern Chile 1996 >
on stage, in concert- photos of artists, musicians, writers >
more >
people at Cologne cathedral
photos of failed Coup d'État against Gorbachev Moscow august 1991 made for STERN magazine >
photos weddings marriages religious ceremonies social and private events >
.............. portraits musicians rock pop classic artists VIPs >
portraits >
older catalogue portrait photographs >
nature subjects for small and big prints >
................ from my BW analog diary >
fly over Cologne cathedral !
pictures of arson attack Solingen 1993
... something for bidden please ?